The Barney School gives you the chance to participate in student organizations related to our different majors, as well as two honor societies, Beta Gamma Sigma and Beta Alpha Psi.
Student Organizations
The Actuarial Club is open to all students who wish to learn more about a career as an actuary. The purpose of this club is to help students find internships and pass actuarial exams. Our club brings in speakers throughout the year who share their professional experiences, sometimes offering internship opportunities to club members. All are welcome!
If you wish to learn more about the club, please contact Professor Yu Lei. To learn more about why the actuarial career is consistently rated as one of the best jobs, read about our Actuarial Science minor.
The American Marketing Association (AMA) is an international organization dedicated to helping students understand the role of marketing in today's society, develop professional marketing skills, practically apply the classroom experience, and network with top marketing professionals. Membership in the AMA Collegiate Chapter offers the opportunity to lead, manage, and participate in a range of activities and programs.
If you have any questions, please contact Professor Carmina Cavazos.
The Barney Leadership Council is a perfect fit for students who are forward thinking, seek new leadership opportunities, and want to challenge themselves in finding solutions in all disciplines of business. Council members will gain knowledge and experience with leadership through working with the university's esteemed faculty and attending workshops with important leaders in the area. Many of the skills and knowledge we develop are considered absolute essentials in today's business world.
To become a member, you must maintain a cumulative 3.5 GPA. If you have any questions about the council, please contact advisor Professor David Stec.
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DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management. DECA’s Competitive Events Program allows you to put your experience, skills, and knowledge to the test while representing UHart. The competitions recognize student achievement, provide opportunities for traveling to conferences, and networking with peers.
If you have any questions about the club or interest in becoming a member, please contact Club President Tifa Talovic at
We invite high school seniors who were members of DECA for at least 2 years during high school to apply for our DECA scholarship.
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This organization primarily includes economics and finance majors, but is open to all students. The club sponsors guest speakers, faculty/student events, field trips, and an awards banquet.
If you are interested in joining, please contact Club Advisor Professor Kenneth Goroshko.
Gamma Iota Sigma is a professional development group for students who are planning on a career in risk management, insurance, or actuarial science. You will also start building professional contacts to turn to throughout your career.
If you have any questions, please contact
The Innovators Club is operated by students for students; Barney students initiated the club, Barney faculty oversee the club, but faculty, mentors and entrepreneurs from across campus are invited to call the Innovators Club their home. The club represents a safe place for entrepreneurs to bring their ideas and obtain feedback from their peers, mentors, and faculty; the club represents a place where ideas and teams can evolve. Further, we are able to connect the club members with our alumni network and various investor networks so that the good ideas can become commercialized and taken to the next level.
Contact Professor Aydin Oksoy to learn more.
Interested in gaining hands-on experience as part of a management team for an investment portfolio of over $100,000? Join the Investment and Portfolio Management Club. Learn about leadership opportunities within the club, obtain Bloomberg certificates useful in the workplace, and have the opportunity to take an optional special topics summer course on investment strategy! The investment club is open to all majors and anyone interested in learning financial skills for the workplace.
If you are interested in joining, please contact Club Advisor Professor Vivek Sharma.
The purpose of the Sports Business Association (SBA) is to connect, educate and prepare the next generation of professionals in the sports industry through networking events, panel discussions, workshops and more.
Contact Director of the Sports Management Program John Papa or for more information.
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The goal of the Women in Business club is to help empower and prepare young business students to be confident, efficient, innovative, and professional in the workplace, as well as cultivating leadership and networking skills by providing members with opportunities to familiarize themselves with the business world. The Women in Business club aims to do this by providing a space to enhance students’ skills needed to prosper. Skills include public speaking, strategic planning, and handling finances. Additionally, they prioritize strengthening interview skills, resume workshops, and the ability to forge connections. Their core values include leadership, diversity, community, and courage.
Contact President and co-founder Carly MacDougald at for more information.
Honor Societies
Beta Gamma Sigma is the honor society for outstanding business students. Membership in Beta Gamma Sigma is the highest recognition a business student anywhere in the world can receive in a business program accredited by AACSB International.
The Mission of the International Honor Society Beta Gamma Sigma is to encourage and honor academic achievement in the study of business, to cultivate and celebrate leadership and professional excellence, to advance the values of the Society, and to serve its lifelong members.
To learn more, please contact Professor Shirley Wang.
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Beta Alpha Psi is a national honorary organization devoted to recognizing and encouraging scholastic and professional excellence for students in accounting, finance, and management information systems. This includes providing opportunities for self-development, service, and association among members and practicing professionals, and encouraging a sense of ethical, social, and public responsibility.
For more information, please contact College Chapter Advisor Professor Jenna Tang.
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