Navigate to the appropriate section below to find the guide or video you need, then click the + button to open it.
- Ultra Institute Webinar: Part 1 | Part 2
- Blackboard Ultra: Original to Ultra Course Copy
- Blackboard Ultra: Ultra to Ultra Course Copy
- Blackboard Ultra: Course Banners
- Blackboard Ultra: Progress Tracking
- Blackboard Ultra: Differences between Folders and Learning Modules
- Blackboard Ultra: Create and Send Messages
- Blackboard Ultra: Using Design Assistant to Generate Learning Modules
- Blackboard Ultra: Journals
- Blackboard Ultra: Create a OneDrive Collaboration Document
- Blackboard Ultra: Create and Send an Announcement
- Blackboard Ultra: The Equation Editor and adding Math Formulas and Equations to Tests/Quizzes (Webinar)
- Blackboard Ultra: Gradebook Overview
- Blackboard Ultra: How to set up a Learning Module
- Blackboard Ultra: How to make a discussion post
- Blackboard Ultra: How to Upload files from your Computer
- Blackboard Ultra: How to create/assign groups to assignments
- Blackboard Ultra: How to create a Group Discussion
- Blackboard Ultra: How to Upload Files from Cloud Storage
- Blackboard Ultra: How to embed Kaltura Playlists in your course
See what's coming soon!