Jared Rubin '21

"Thank you for believing in me, and thank you for helping to solidify my growth as a student, a future professional, and an innovator. This scholarship has shown me that I am truly on the right path towards success..."
YeEun (Yenny) Hong '19

"I am so grateful to the supportive faculty and staff at The Hartt School who believed in me and for the tremendous generosity of this scholarship donor. This scholarship is not just helping to provide my education, but it has completely changed my life path..."
Kyle DeFrancesco '19

"It means a lot to my family and to me that someone acknowledges my work and effort academically. It shows me that hard work pays off...It allows me to stay motivated, as being rewarded for what I love learning only shows that I am moving closer to my career goals."
Jennifer Nasiatka '19

"As a rising senior with a 3.82 GPA and a great internship at United Technologies Corporation, having the opportunity to concentrate on my studies and my career goals could not have been achieved without the generous scholarship aid I was granted.
Aaliyah Booker '19

"The scholarships I have received have changed my life and have made it possible for me to pursue my passion of music. Thank you so much for your generosity and for making my dreams come true..."
Mitchell Brown '18

"I thoroughly enjoyed every moment I spent in South Korea...It made me realize how powerful we as a society can be by simply showing genuine care and love towards each other. It also helped me appreciate the people that I have in my life more than ever and taught me to be respectful of others..."
Michelle Mor '19

"A donation to a student's undergraduate degree is a donation of motivation, empowerment, and fresh perspective in a journey to reaching the diploma...thank you to the people who lend the world generosity for its most significant purpose."
Kaitlyn King '18

"Doing this experience by myself gave me so much confidence in becoming an independent individual. I'm excited to see where the future takes me and I'm hoping to go back to one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Thank you for offering me such an incredible experience."