The Consortium aims to inspire the pursuit of careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, especially within groups that have traditionally been underrepresented in STEM fields. The Consortium funds student internships, fellowships, and scholarships, as well as faculty research, travel grants, and STEM education programs.
This year, 21 faculty members and 35 undergraduate/graduate students from 15 affiliate member institutions in Connecticut were awarded grants. The next call for applications will begin in March.
Congratulations to all of UHart’s recipients!
Faculty Project Grant
- Kiwon Sohn, associate professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering: “Kinematic Reconfigurable Link Development for Humanoid’s Task Execution Capability Improvement”
Faculty Research Grants
- Yingcui Li, associate professor of biology: “Exploring the Cellular Mechanism of Bone Loss Using Big Data-based Image Analysis from High-Throughput, Cryohistology Digital Images”
- Hashini Mohottala, professor of physics: “Development of a Device for Oil Spill Cleanup Using Exfoliated Graphite (EG)”
- Xin Shen, program director, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering: “Enhancing 3D Sensing, Profilometry and Object Recognition: Light Field Integral Imaging and AI for Space Applications”
- Brian Wells, associate professor of physics: “Advancing CubeSat Technologies through the Design and Fabrication of Metamaterial-Based Devices for Space Imaging and Communication”
- Jinghui Yang, assistant professor of physical therapy: “Acute Effect of Resistance Exercise with Blood-Flow Restriction on Vascular Health in Healthy Adults”
Faculty STEM Education Programming Grant
- Amy Weiss, director, Museum of Jewish Civilization: “Jews in Space: Members of the Tribe in Orbit”
Faculty STEM Education Research Grant
- Gengyun Le-Chan, assistant professor of biology: “Effectiveness of game-based learning on classroom engagement and knowledge retention in architectural and biomedical science undergraduate students”
Student Project Grant
- Alex Moura: Advancing Student Aerospace Engineering: Level 1 High-Power Rocket Certification for AURORA at the University of Hartford”
Undergraduate Research Grants
- Nicholas Krupa: “Phased Array Antenna Design, Fabrication, and Application for Satellite and Space Communication”
- Andrew Rittenberg: “Development of High Dielectric and Low Loss Materials for 3D Printing Technologies Applied to Metamaterial Space Technology Communication and Imaging”