
CETA Initiates Newest Tau Sigma Delta Members

On Monday, April 22, Tau Sigma Delta, the Architecture National Honor Society held their annual meeting/luncheon to initiate new members for annual year 2023-24. The University of Hartford Gamma Nu Chapter of Tau Sigma Delta is made up of students who have distinguished themselves in their architectural education, and academically reflects the top 20% of the student body with a 3.6 or better. Dr. Theodore Sawruk, Faculty Advisor and member, presided over the meeting. Three new members were inducted for AY 2023-24: Mathew Tyler Griffin (March ’25), Jillian Marie Christensen (ADT ’25), and Jillian Marie Bradley (ADT ‘25).  

Additionally, the Gamma Nu Chapter recognized the lifelong contributions to the profession and academy of C. James Lawler, FAIA, principle of C. James Lawler Associates and previous Chair of the Department of Architecture with an award of the Silver Medal for Design.  

Following the Silver medal award, four graduating students competed for the Bronze Medal in Design, Mary Bilodeau (MArch ’24), Kayleigh Luke (ADT ‘24), Jason Merendino (March ‘24), and Timothy Wang (ADT ‘24). The Bronze Medal is awarded by the individual chapters of Tau Sigma Delta to a graduating undergraduate or graduate student who has distinguished themselves in design.  Jason Merendino was awarded the Bronze Medal in Design by a vote of the attending members.  

Tau Sigma Delta, Gamma Nu Chapter would like to take this opportunity to recognize the academic success of its members and their contributions to the Department of Architecture.   

Dr. Sawruk congratulates Jason Merendino MArch'24 on winning the Bronze Medal for Design.

Dr. Sawruk presents Silver Medal for Design to local architect C. James, Lawler, FAIA.