
Remembering Matthew Rivera Jr.

photo of Matthew Rivera Jr.Relatives and friends of former Public Safety Officer Matthew Rivera Jr. are invited to visit with Matt’s family today, Tuesday, June 4, from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Duksa Family Funeral Home at Newington Memorial, 20 Bonair Ave., in Newington. A livestream will be available for those not able to attend.

Rivera, affectionately known as “Matt” and “Matty,” passed away in Florida on April 28. He was a member of UHart's Public Safety team from 2001 to 2010, and was known for his boisterous laugh, his positive attitude, and his great sense of humor.

Current Public Safety Chief Michael Kaselouskas was formerly Rivera’s patrol sergeant.

“Matt’s personality was very calm, soft spoken, and assuring,” Kaselouskas recalls. “Matt exemplified team with the department, always willing to help another officer out with an extra duty or patrol overtime assignment when an officer was stuck or had a family commitment.”

Rivera leaves behind a loving family, including brother Jose-Angel Rivera, who currently is an investigator with the Department of Public Safety.