
NEH Summer Stipends Grant Program Available

The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Summer Stipends program aims to stimulate new research in the humanities and its publication. Through this grant program, they support continuous full-time work on a humanities project for a period of two consecutive summer months. 

The current application cycle (due Sept. 18, 2024) would fund work performed in the summer of 2025. Each stipend is $8,000 and can be used on any costs related to the proposed scholarly research in the humanities, including the scholar’s own compensation and travel costs.

As of this year, universities are permitted to nominate a maximum of one (1) faculty member per year to apply. Therefore, any faculty members that are interested in applying must express their interest and provide an abstract of thir proposed project to the Office of Sponsored Programs by emailing Julie Barnofski Portfolio at by 9 a.m., on Monday, Aug. 5.

(Should more than one faculty member express interest, an internal ad hoc committee will review project ideas and determine which ones should move forward.)

The Summer Stipends RFP can be found here. Recent NEH Stipend awardees include Bryan Sinche and Amy Weiss. Please contact OSP with any questions.