Join us on Wednesday, March 5, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the GSU Cafe as we host a Connecticut State Department Career Fair. Students seeking summer employment, internships, and/or full time positions with the State of Connecticut are encouraged to attend. The following employers will be in attendance:
- DOC (Department of Correction)
- DDS (Department of Developmental Services)
- DRS (Department of Revenue Services)
- DEEP (Department of Energy and Environmental Protection)
- DMHAS (Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services)
- DESPP (Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection)
- DOB (Department of Banking)
- ADS (Aging and Disability Services)
- DCF (Department of Children and Families)
- DOT (Department of Transportation)
- CSL (Connecticut State Library)
- DECD (Department of Economic and Community Development)
- OWS (Office of Workforce Strategy)