
Discover NASA with CTSGC Seminar Series

NASA Connecticut Space Grant Consortium (CTSGC) is excited to launch the Discover NASA with CTSGC virtual seminar series and broadcast it to all NASA CTSGC affiliated institutions.  Researchers from NASA headquarters and NASA research centers are invited to give talks on their research and working experiences at NASA. Join the Discover NASA virtual seminar and join the watch party on campus!

Title of the talk: Human Cell and Organ Model Responses to Space Flight Stressors

Speakers: Plyumi Wijesekara, Postdoctoral Program Fellow NASA Ames Research Center.

Moderator: Jason Lee, PhD, Associate Professor-in-Residence, University of Connecticut School of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Manufacturing Engineering. University of Connecticut Campus Director for CTSGC.

Brief introduction of the talk: Space exploration beyond low-Earth orbit will subject astronauts to a combination of envrionmental stressors that can affect their health and performance.  In the Radiation Biophysics Lab, our goal is to study the effects of spaceflight stressors using laboratory-developed organ models that accurately replicate native anatomy, cellular composition, and molecular responses in a manner comparable to in vivo conditions. 

WhenFriday, Feb. 14, 12:45 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Location of University of Hartford Watch Party: D202

If not attending the University of Hartford Watch party, you must register to participate here.

For more details, please visit this page on their website. To learn more about NASA CTSGC, please visit their website

For questions, you may contact