
ASCE Distinguished Lecture & Book Talk

You're invited to join our upcoming ASCE Distinguished Lecture and Book Talk, focus on the book, The Blessings of Disaster by Michel Bruneau, providing insights on natural and man-made disasters, along with the concept of resilience. The talk is accessible and beneficial to both engineering and non-engineering audiences.

Topic: Disaster Resilience: Adding Structural Systems to the Engineer’s Toolbox and The Blessings of Disaster

When: Wednesday, Feb. 1912:45 p.m. – 2 p.m.

Where: HC216 Makerspace

Food and drinks will be provided and five copies of the book will be given away.

RSVP here so that we can prepare enough food.


This presentation will center on the ideas discussed in the book The Blessings of Disaster, exploring how the concept of disaster resilience has gained endorsement and how a resilience mindset helps address rare extreme events. It will also examine how this thinking applies to structural steel systems for designing earthquake-resilient buildings and bridges.