Storm Advisory
Due to forecast snow and ice, the University of Hartford will be closed on Thursday, Feb. 6. Day and evening classes are canceled. Please note that when campus closing prevents an in-person class from meeting at its scheduled time, professors may opt to conduct classes or provide assignments online. Students should check Blackboard and their email to learn of any alternate arrangements. Online courses are not affected by campus closings.

Getting Started with OER

Find Resources

The amount of Open Educational Resources available grows daily at a rapid pace. If you would like to start browsing possible options for your courses, or want to explore what is available in your subject area, visit the OER LibGuide.

Get Help

Taylor St. Pierre, reference librarian, can help you to identify the kinds of resources you are looking for and provide you with a list of possibilities. He also can help you with Creative Commons licensing should you want to adapt existing OER or create your own. To set up a consultation, contact Taylor at