Prepare for your career starting your very first week of classes. Introduction to LinkedIn, resume writing, and campus resources help you decipher the many fields you may find interesting.
We incorporate field experience, alumni engagement, and internships into the curriculum to help you explore and affirm your career interests.
Several of our courses have components of going into the field and observing a profession. Our students studying business have spent time at the National Disaster Center at The Travelers insurance company. Students in education have completed hours of observation in area elementary schools. Students interested in community organizations have spent time with local groups learning about the populations they serve.
Alumni Engagement
Every semester, notable visitors and successful alumni come to campus for panels and guest lectures. Executives with companies like Booz Allen Hamilton have provided talks about drone technology for the Defense Department. Others have come in to talk about fields of mental health. We have had Emmy Award winning alumni visit to discuss the fields in communications.
You will have the opportunity to do short term experiences with professionals in the fields that interest you most. We call this shadowing and it is most often done with successful alumni from the fields of your interest.
Many students will have a semester long or summer internship while at Hillyer. Our coordinator of internships will assist in identifying and securing a placement for you in a local or regional firm that matches up with your interests.
Most recently, our students have obtained internships at the State Capitol, Hartford Hospital, Walmart Headquarters, Hartford Police Department, National Life Group, and Columbia University Psychiatric Institute.
Macyana Harris
Politics & Government, Criminal Justice A'20, '22
“This internship has not only taught me the necessary skills I'll need in my future career in government, but also showed me how being involved in politics goes way beyond networking and passion.”