
Emeriti Q&A

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is eligible for emeritus/a/X status? How is the status conferred?
    • Policies and Procedures for awarding of Emeritus/a/X status are documented in the Faculty Policy Manual.
  • Are the status and membership in the Emeriti Association the same thing?
    • No, these are entirely independent of one another. This status (see FPM Section) can only be conferred by the University and is governed by the FPM; it requires applying through a process similar to that for promotion and/or tenure. Faculty awarded emerita/us/x status are invited to join the association. The members of the association may invite others who have made significant contributions  to the University to join the association following their retirement from their full-time position at the University.
  • What if I retire and then some years later wish to seek emeritus status or have a colleague who would like to nominate me?
    • At the present time, as far as we know, there are no time limitations between one’s retirement and application for Emerita/us/x status. Those applying a significant time after retirement should consult the then current FPM and discuss it with their dean or the Provost’s Office.
  • To whom do you address the nomination letters for emerita/us/x status?
    • School/College P & T Committee
  • How many recommendations are mandatory or suggested? Is it better to have more than that number? 
    • One, if from a dean or department head.
    • If the recommendations are from a “group of colleagues” at least 2.
  • What exactly is a "Curriculum Vitae" CV as defined by UHart schools?
    • The university informally defines it as the first or second item in Part 1 of the P&T Dossier for one’s college. The format may be different among schools and colleges, but all require it and it is needed for a case to proceed to the Provost’s Office.
  • Can the Dean squelch the application at her/his level?
    • Absolutely not. The Dean can’t squelch the application just as she/he can’t do that for P&T. However, the Dean can write a letter that is not in support of the status, as can any other person/committee along the way.