
International Study

Faculty are encouraged to provide a broad spectrum of international experiences for students, staff, and themselves through the use of these resources.

Faculty Program Resources

The International Center's Faculty Grant Program aims to foster faculty initiatives to expand and strengthen the global dimensions of teaching, research, and engagement at the University of Hartford. The International Center awards up to three grants (maximum of $1,000 each) each year to full-time faculty members.

Selection criteria (in order of priority) are:

  • Work which enhances the international understanding of the campus community
  • Work which can be shown to have an immediate impact on students' experiences in the classroom
  • Development of a study abroad course or abroad component for currently existing courses
  • Faculty travel to cultivate new exchange programs or affiliation agreements/ partnerships with institutions abroad
  • Faculty travel to conduct research abroad or participate in an International Faculty Development Seminar. See CIEE
  • Faculty travel to present at an international conference

Please note: Only in extraordinary circumstances can faculty receive grants in two consecutive years. Attendance at international conferences will not be considered.

Application Process

The application packet must include:

1.  A completed Application Form (DOCX)

2.  A one-page proposal consisting of the following:

  • Clearly defined purpose of proposed international activity and how the activity will promote global dimensions of the unit or the University
  • Clearly defined outcomes which support internationalization of the campus
  • Potential for the activity to result in future international activity
  • Budget justification of activity costs and potential value of the results of the activity

3. A one-page itemized budget sheet

4.  Curriculum vitae (CV) of the applicant(s)

5.  Letter of support from the department chair or college dean

Application Deadline

Grant applications should be submitted by July 15 to Nicole Kurler-Stewart, Director of the  International Center, in GSU 309. Selected faculty will be notified by August 10. Late applications will not be accepted. Funds must be spent before June 30 of the same fiscal year in which travel occurs.

Post Award Report

Grant recipients are required to submit a detailed report along with a travel expense voucher within one month of completing the funded activity. The report should describe the tangible outcomes and benefits of the funded activity. Recipients who fail to submit the required narrative report will be ineligible to receive future funding from the International Center's Faculty Grant Program.

For additional information, please call 860.768.5101 or e-mail