Your Impact

View a snapshot of the vast impact your generosity continues to have on the UHart community.
The College of Arts and Sciences (A&S)—the University's largest college—offers a breadth of courses in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences, focusing on the development of intellect, critical thinking, and analytical skills to prepare multifaceted individuals for an ever-changing world.
Gifts to the A&S Fund enrich and sustain the vibrant educational opportunities available to students through:
- New equipment, technology upgrades, and research support across disciplines, from advanced lab tools in neuroscience and biology to production equipment in communication.
- Programmatic support enhancing the learning experience including the annual International Festival, UHack (the University's student hackathon), and student success programming.
- Funding for attendance and presentations at conferences, putting cutting-edge student and faculty research in front of the national scientific community.
- Field trips incorporated into the curriculum, providing real-world training.
- High Impact Activities for Students: These are activities that research has shown actively engage and retain students. Your investment can provide crucial dollars for students to, for example, collaborate with faculty on research, present at professional conferences, participate in internships, and study abroad.
If you are considering making a greater and more lasting impact through a leadership gift or by naming A&S or the University in your estate plans, we invite you to contact us to learn more.