2017–2018 Recipient of the Allyn L. Golub, PhD. '62 Prosthetics and Orthotics Research Assistant Scholarship.

There are not many universities in the United States that offer a graduate level prosthetics and orthotics degree; there are even fewer that offer a Master of Science in Prosthetics and Orthotics (MSPO). I applied to a couple schools, was accepted to the University of Hartford’s MSPO program quickly, and I accepted the offer. It has also been convenient that Hartford is close to New York, so I have been able to drive home often to spend time with my family.
Why Prosthetics and Orthotics?
I realized over the years how interested I am in the field of prosthetics and orthotics. I love not only how much the technology is progressing forward but also all of the hands-on, artistic fabrication still available. I look forward to working one-on-one with patients and their families to assist them with their disability while providing encouragement and support. Furthermore, I love the many opportunities for research. I am extremely thankful to be granted the opportunity to start an independent research study group and it is reassuring to know that the University of Hartford's MSPO program encourages students to participate in clinical research.
There are many memorable experiences at the University of Hartford I can say have made a difference in my career path. The two that stand out the most are having the opportunity to delve into clinical research and being able to be a teaching assistant for a semester. Having these specific experiences has pointed my interests towards research and education in the field of prosthetics and orthotics. Furthermore, having a few shared classes in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences gave me the opportunity to interact with students from the Department of Physical Therapy (DPT) as well as to meet and befriend some of the DPT faculty members that I know I will stay in contact with throughout my career.
During my time here at the University of Hartford, I am proud to say that I have been able to start an independent study that will continue after I graduate. Our poster presentation for our research study won an award at the 2017 New Jersey chapter of the American Academy of Orthotics and Prosthetics meeting. I plan to finish our current pilot study and present our study at ENHP Day before the semester ends. I am also proud to say that I have remained in good academic standings throughout the years, receiving academic scholarships, and finally graduating in May 2018.
I will be completing my orthotics residency at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab in Chicago, Illinois. I will then apply for and complete my prosthetics residency. After I have finished my residencies, I will sit for and pass my boards to become a certified prosthetist, orthotist. During my second residency, I plan to apply to PhD programs so I can focus on research and education in the field of prosthetics and orthotics.
Brittany Moores, '18I am thankful for my time spent here at UHart. It has been an amazing experience and I have had the opportunity to meet so many wonderful individuals. I look forward to what the future brings for me and all of my classmates.
I am honored to graduate with an exceptional class and am eager to work with all of them in the years to come. And to the donor of this scholarship, thank you for giving a student like myself a little extra encouragement to strive to do clinical research which ultimately may improve a patient's life.