
In the Classroom with UHart Faculty

We know that an education at the University of Hartford is unique, so let’s show off some of the behind-the-scenes details! Faculty are invited to share their creative coursework and innovative experiences. Capture video/photos and tell us more about why these lesson plans are significant and how they help your students develop into professionals. 

The content submitted to this form may be used by the Office of Marketing and Communications for social media, website, and marketing materials. 

Faculty Information

Your Name: *

Last Name: *


Email: *

School or College:

Course Featured:

Program of Study:

Classroom Details

Tell us about your unique classroom experience:  (approx. 250 words)

Unique Classroom Experience:

How does this prepare students to become professionals in their field? (approx. 250 words)

Professionals in their Field:

Images and Videos

Please share some photos and/or videos that show your lesson plan in progress. File sizes for images can't exceed 1MB. If you would like to share a video, please contact

File Upload:

Is this lesson currently taking place or can be recreated through a possible photoshoot?: