Two CETA Students Receive 2020 Outstanding Civil Engineering Student Award from Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers

CSCE recognizes outstanding civil engineering students in ASCE Student Chapters in Connecticut. Nowicki and Gudeczauskas played an active role in UHart’s American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) student chapter as president and vice president respectively this academic year.
“I am very thankful and honored to have received this award and look forward to working with CSCE in the future,” Mike says. “I'd like to thank our advisor, Dr. Sussmann, for helping our club establish a connection with CSCE and encouraging our members to get involved in their events.”
To be considered for this award, the candidate:
- must be nominated by the department in which the chapter/club resides.
- must be a member in good standing of the chapter/club of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and have a record of active involvement and leadership in campus and student chapter/club activities.
- must graduate prior to the start of the fall term of the year in which the award is made.
Congratulations again to these highly-deserving students.