
Donald W. Davis University Interdisciplinary Studies Award

The University Interdisciplinary Studies Award Committee is accepting nominations for the Donald W. Davis University Interdisciplinary Studies Award, presented annually to a full- or part-time faculty member who has made outstanding contributions to the University Interdisciplinary Studies program.  

This award honors a faculty member who:

  • Is an effective interdisciplinary teacher and scholar,
  • Has contributed to the program as a whole, for example, course development, grants, and relevant publications, and
  • Is an advocate for interdisciplinary education.

Both full-time and part-time faculty who have taught in the University Interdisciplinary Studies program are eligible. Nominations will be accepted from a Dean, Department Chair, colleagues, or self.

The following documents are required:

  1. A letter of nomination that specifically addresses the intent of the award.
  2. Evidence of excellence in UIS teaching.
  3. Letters from colleagues either within or outside of the University of Hartford that address the nominee’s most significant interdisciplinary teaching, scholarship, and service accomplishments (maximum of 3 letters).
  4. A current curriculum vitae. 

The deadline for submission of nominations is Wednesday, Feb. 26, at 11:59 p.m.

Materials should be submitted electronically to Margaret Tarampi at

The Donald W. Davis Award will be presented at May Commencement. The recipient will receive an award medal, $1,000, and recognition in the official Commencement Program.

Previous recipients: Katharine A. Owens, A&S ('24), Mehmet Dede, Hartt ('23), Kristen Comeforo, A&S (’22), Jeremiah Patterson, HAS (’21), Judith Kelly and Tatum Krause, UIS (’20), James McDonald, A&S (’19), Caryn Christensen, A&S (’18), Michael Horwitz, Hillyer (‘17), Sarah Senk, A&S (’16), Nicholas Ealy, A&S (’15), Nels Highberg, A&S (’14), David Pines, CETA (’13), Maria Esposito Frank, A&S (’12), Joan O’Mara, Hillyer (’11), Donn Weinholtz, ENHP (’10), Karen Barrett, ENHP (’09), Harald Sandstrom, A&S (’08), Howard Mayer, Hillyer (’07), Charles Canedy, Barney (’06), Peter Harvey, adjunct (’05), Paul Bugl, A&S (’04), Yvonne Jehenson, A&S (’03), S. Edward Weinswig, ENHP (’02), Donald Sukosky, Hillyer (‘01), Jane Horvath, Hillyer (‘00), Anthony Rauche, Hillyer (‘99), Marcia Seabury, Hillyer (’98), Ralph Aloisi, A&S/ENHP (’97), Douglas Dix, A&S/ENHP (’96), Virginia Hale, A&S (’95), Bill Brayfield, A&S (’94)