
Sinche and Grossberg to Read in the Cardin Reading Series

Come hear University of Hartford professors Bryan Sinche and Ben Grossberg read from their new books, the first event in the spring 2025 Cardin Reading Series!

The reading will be Wedneday, Feb. 19, at 1 p.m., in The Greenberg Center in Harry Jack Gray.

Bryan Sinche’s new study, Published by the Author: Self-Publication in Nineteenth-Century African American Literature (University of North Carolina Press, 2024), is a fundamental reassessment of how print culture allowed Black ideas and stories to be disseminated to a wider reading public and enabled authors to retain financial and editorial control over their own narratives. The book has been named a finalist for the 2025 Association for the Study of African American Life and History Book Prize. 

Ben Grossberg’s new novel, The Spring before Obergefell (University of Nebraska Press, 2024) was selected as the winner of the AWP Award Series 2023 James Alan McPherson Prize. Contest judge Percival Everett described the novel as “a love story and a growth story and a story about how the world changes and affects our self-definition, confidence, and place within it.”

The reading will be followed by a Q&A and a book signing. Books will be available for purchase. 

This event is free and open to the public.

Please contact if you have any questions, or call Benjamin Grossberg at x4944.