Your Allen Library staff members are here to help! Finding and using library resources for music is often more complicated than other subjects. All of our full-time staff and most student employees have a background in music, so we have the knowledge to help you find what you need.
Contact a Staff Member

Tracey Rudnick
Head, Allen Library
860.768.4404 |
Ask me about: research help, graduate library instruction, Allen purchase suggestions, library donations, Hartt dissertations/essays/theses

Mike Anderson
Public Services Coordinator
860.768.4459 |
Ask me about: course reserves, circulation (borrowing, renewing, fines), laptops and recording equipment, reserving an Allen room, student employment

Jennifer Olson
Technical Services Librarian
860.768.4625 |
Ask me about: submitting graduate recital recordings, music cataloging, cinema purchase suggestions

Zachary Gilbert
Technical Services Coordinator
860.768.4770 |
Ask me about: expediting an item for processing, repairing library materials