
Resources to Support Your Teaching

Media Technology Services

Media Technology Services (MTS) is devoted to fulfilling media equipment requests and the integration of technology into classes. Many classrooms are equipped with permanently installed equipment. Connection to the Internet is also available from many classrooms.

Part-time faculty may request that additional equipment be delivered to a classroom. Equipment and services range from overhead projectors and TVs to laptops and computer projectors. For information on the services available, contact MTS at 860.768.4662 or fill out the online request form at

Teaching With Technology

Classroom Facilities

All classrooms at the University of Hartford provide access to the Internet; many are wireless. Almost all classrooms have projectors that can be connected to a laptop computer. Many have "smart podiums," which have a computer built in. Your department chair can give you information about the specific equipment available in the classroom that you have been assigned. The Faculty Center for Learning Development has useful information on using smart podiums and other equipment and MTS is available to answer questions as well (860.768.4662).


Blackboard is a learning management system (LMS). It provides you with a ready-made online course that can be used to supplement your face-to-face instruction or to teach online. In addition to being able to post articles, assignments and other course documents, it includes teaching tools such as discussion boards, blogs, journals, online tests and surveys. In an emergency (pandemic flu, flood), instructors should plan to use Blackboard to continue teaching.

Blackboard course sites are created automatically for all scheduled courses. You will receive instructions for logging in to Blackboard when you apply for University email. New instructors are encouraged to attend the Getting Started with Blackboard seminar offered through the Office of Academic Technology, Teaching, and Learning (ATTL). For more information, contact

The Faculty Center for Learning Development

Located in Harrison Libraries, the Faculty Center for Learning Development (FCLD) provides instruction and support to faculty who are using technology in instruction, including the Blackboard Learning Management System. The FCLD website contains a schedule of seminars and resources on Blackboard and other tools for teaching and learning. The FCLD Faculty Lab in Harrison Libraries is available for faculty use and is equipped with instructional technology-related equipment including PCs, Macs, cameras, tablets, e-readers, scanners and digital video. Support staff is available to work with instructors on these technologies. Please call 860.768.4661 or email to schedule appointments.

Teaching Resources

Bain, K. (2004). What the Best College Teachers Do. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press.

Brookfield, S.D. (1995). Becoming a critically reflective teacher. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.*

Erikson, B. L., C. B. Peters, et al. (2006). Teaching First-Year College Students. San Francisco, Jossey Bass.*

Lang, J. M. (2008). On Course:  A Week-by-Week Guide to Your First Semester of College Teaching. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press.

Palmer, P. (1998).  The courage to teach: Exploring the inner landscape of a teacher's life.  San Francisco: Jossey Bass.*

The faculty members and chair of your department are valuable resources for you, and many colleges have faculty development activities of their own, some of which are available to part-time faculty members. In addition, the Assistant Provost for Faculty Affairs and Research, Jessica Nicklin, is available for consultation via phone (860.768.4504) or email (

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