
Instrument-Specific Ensembles

Guitar Orchestra

Guitar Orchestra performs twice annually: fall and spring.
Guitar Orchestra performs twice annually: fall and spring.

Guitar Orchestra offers advanced classical guitar students the unique opportunity to collaborate with fellow guitarists in an ensemble setting. This orchestra allows Suzuki students in Book 4+ (approx. ages 10–17) to perform guitar-orchestra repertoire, including Vivaldi Concerti and Handel Water Music selections, Joplin Ragtime pieces, and Inti Illimani selections.

The guitar orchestra is comprised of octave, alto, and contrabass guitars, as well as the traditional classical guitar. The various instruments will be loaned out to participating students. Directed by David Madsen.

Audition Information

Auditions for this academic-year ensemble are held in June at our annual Ensemble Placement Day. Students currently in the orchestra are not required to re-audition.


Guitar Orchestra rehearsals will take place on Mondays from 6:00-6:45 p.m.

Small String Ensembles

The HCD Viola Tour Group is an ensemble made up of violists who have achieved a minimum level of having memorized and polished Telemann viola concerto or all of Suzuki Book 4 and who are willing to perform by memory. Membership is automatically offered to any violist in the Vivace, Opus '89, or Connecticut Youth Symphony orchestras. All other violists who meet the requirements listed above may audition for the group either during the HCD June Ensemble Placement Day, or by personal appointment. 

The group has performed at The Bushnell and in Bach in the Subways. Concerts in local nursing homes and community centers are regular occurrences for the group, and they have also performed in venues as unusual as the New Britain Rock Cats stadium, where for ten seasons, the group performed a special eight-part version of the National Anthem at the start of the ball games. The group has also performed in Times Square as part of the New York Viola Society concert series, and has given concerts in Switzerland, Italy, and France. At the Hartt School, The Viola Tour group performs twice a year on the Hartt Suzuki group class concerts and has also performed with the Hartt College Viola Ensemble.

The Hartt Community Division Viola ensemble can be found performing pieces from the Suzuki repertoire as well as music originally written or arranged for viola ensemble ranging from Coldplay and Pharrell Williams to JS Bach and Bartok. Directed by Melinda Daetsch.

Rehearsals: Viola Tour Group rehearsals will take place on Saturdays from 9:30-10:30 a.m.

For more information or to request an audition, please e-mail Melinda Daetsch at

Advanced cello students will work with exceptional faculty to explore cello technique and cello ensemble repertoire. Students who are not a part of the Hartt Orchestra Program are required to audition. Directed by Blake Brasch

Rehearsals: Cello Choir rehearsals will take place on Saturdays from 11:15 a.m.-12 p.m.

For more information, please contact us at or 860-768-4451.

Jazz and Popular Music

Jazz and Popular Music (JPM) provides students with the opportunity to explore a wide range of contemporary styles, from jazz to rock and world music to pop. 


While you should consult with your teacher about appropriate repertoire, please feel free to contact us with questions about audition guidelines and expectations: or 860-768-4451.

Together, we can ensure the gift of an unparalleled performing arts education is available to all.