Current communications that have been shared with University of Hartford students, faculty, staff, parents, and alumni are listed below in chronological order. The most recent communications will be added to the top of this list as they become available.
Most Recent Update to the Campus Community
We certainly got a reminder this week that spring is here and campus blooms are ready to brighten campus in every direction. It also means that we have just a few weeks left in the semester.
As the year has progressed, the University has continued monitoring COVID-19 conditions, along with recommendations for our region and state from the CDC. Connecticut’s case level is now considered low, and campus policies have been revised.
Please note the following changes, but be sure to continue prioritizing safety for yourself and our campus community.
Masks are now optional in all campus spaces, including classrooms. Per Hartford HealthCare policy, masks are also optional in the Health Center and up to the discretion of clinical staff. Masks remain a component of limiting the spread of illness, so you should feel comfortable choosing to wear one at any time.
It remains important to receive a vaccination or booster for COVID-19.
Members of the UHart community are encouraged to take a COVID-19 test if they are feeling unwell. COVID-19 tests remain available in the Health Center.
The method for reporting positive COVID-19 cases has changed. In lieu of emailing, please call Health Services during business hours at 860.768.6601.
Masking is required if testing positive for COVID-19, experiencing illness symptoms, or feeling unwell (even if testing negative for flu and COVID-19), and if considered a close contact with an individual who has tested positive.
Please remember that all residential students who test positive must isolate off campus and will receive guidance from Health Services.
If you require an ADA accommodation, please contact Human Resources.
We have a busy few weeks coming up as we enjoy end-of-year celebrations and prepare for Commencement. Students, mark your calendars for HEAT’s retro-rewind Spring Fest on April 22, and the entire UHart community is invited to the CETA Design Expo on April 28. Learn more about this year’s Commencement speakers Nicole Hughey M’99, senior vice president and head of diversity, equity, and inclusion at SiriusXM, and Greg Barats, CEO and president of HSB Group, parent company of Hartford Steam Boiler.
Amid all the excitement, be sure to take some time to reflect on all you’ve accomplished this year and to make memories with the people who mean the most to you.
Thank you,
COVID-19 Steering Committee
The University has continued to carefully monitor CDC guidelines for COVID-19, as well as local response. After thoughtful consideration, the University is updating the campus mask policy.
Masks will no longer be required in University classrooms and performances spaces, effective Monday, Nov. 14. This aligns with CDC and State Department of Public Health guidance, as do the rest of our current COVID-19 policies.
Some members of our campus community may feel most comfortable wearing a mask and may continue to do so. Please be respectful of everyone’s choices as they determine what is best for them. At this time, CDC recommendations are for people to protect themselves by wearing a mask if they have concerns, are at high risk for serious illness, are immunocompromised, or live with someone with those conditions. The campus community may also wish to consult guidelines for professional associations related to their field of study to inform their personal decisions.
While there are currently no formal accommodations related to COVID-19, staff and faculty can contact Human Resources to request appropriate medical accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Students can contact Suzanne McNeil.
Masks are still required any time a community member has been directed to wear one by Health Services or the COVID-19 Response Team. Existing isolation protocols will continue in line with CDC guidance: Anyone testing positive for COVID-19 must isolate for at least five days after symptom onset. For days five through 10, masking is still required even once an individual is released from isolation.
University of Hartford community members are also encouraged to receive a COVID-19 booster. Booster clinics are scheduled for Monday, Nov. 14, and Tuesday, Nov. 15, for students, faculty, and staff. More information on scheduling and appointments can be found here. You do not need to provide insurance information to receive a booster.
Please be cautious during the Thanksgiving break if you are traveling and visiting with friends and family. We encourage you to take an at-home COVID-19 test before returning to campus should you experience illness or have any concerning symptoms. We will continue to update our campus COVID-19 dashboard, and may revisit current policies if we see any change in infection rates on campus.
We look forward to a strong finish to the semester when we all return.
Thank you,
COVID-19 Steering Committee
Dear Faculty and Staff,
As you know, we are looking forward to an academic year full of University of Hartford traditions, events and programs, and new opportunities. It’s a moment we’ve all anticipated for a long time.
We must continue to keep safety at the forefront of our minds so that everyone can make the most of this year, both inside the classroom and around campus. The COVID Steering Committee is announcing the following reminders:
Masks that cover the face and nose will be required in classrooms and personal office spaces, unless otherwise specified by the faculty or staff member. They will also be required in Health Services, at COVID-19 testing locations, and in all performance spaces, including theaters. Approved masks are detailed in our face covering policy. Be sure to carry a mask with you at all times.
This year’s campus visitor policy will allow residential students to have guests who are 18 years of age or older in residential areas, including overnight. The number of guests allowed per housing unit is equal to double the unit’s capacity (i.e. equal to one guest per resident). Each overnight guest can stay up to three nights per month and will be required to follow all University policies when on campus. For more details on the campus guest policy, click here.
We are strongly encouraging students to take a COVID-19 test before arriving on campus. Students developing symptoms and testing positive after arrival will be asked to return home. If a student tests positive at home for COVID-19 and their move-in date falls within their isolation window, the student should contact, and stay home to isolate according to CDC guidelines (currently set at five days). The student can then contact Residential Life at to set up an alternative move-in day and time.
Once on campus, students, faculty, and staff should take a COVID-19 test when they experience symptoms or have been exposed to COVID-19. Tests will be available free of charge at Health Services by appointment. If you are not sure whether you should get a test, contact Health Services at 860.768.6601. In an effort to control the infection and address potential outbreaks, groups who have been affected by COVID-19 may be asked to test for the illness and will receive an individualized plan from Health Services.
We continue to encourage all students, faculty, and staff to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and stay up to date on booster doses. Vaccination is the best way to protect yourself against severe illness from COVID-19 should you become infected. We will continue to hold vaccination booster clinics at least once per month in September, October, and November, and will advertise their availability, as well as any registration or appointment requirements.
LiveSafe is returning as a general safety tool, and will no longer pertain to COVID response. The primary way to report a COVID-19 case is to email
UHart’s Division of Student Success will also be holding a virtual Town Hall with the Student Government Association on Monday, Aug. 15, from 7 to 8:15 p.m. for students, families, faculty, and staff with updates on what to expect for the fall semester. Click to tune in with this passcode: 1nAN1.3q
Each member of UHart has a responsibility to themselves and others to Keep Hawks Healthy and prioritize safety. With everyone’s support and cooperation, we will enjoy a year full of important moments, big and small, together as a campus community. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Thank you,
Aaron Isaacs
Dean of Students
Vice President for Student Success
Dear Students and Families,
We hope you are enjoying some well-deserved rest and relaxation this summer, while also making meaningful memories with friends and family. Campus is buzzing with activity in preparation for your return, and we wanted to share updates as you plan for the fall semester.
COVID-19 Information
For the 2022–23 academic year, COVID vaccinations and boosters are strongly recommended, but not required, for University of Hartford students, faculty, and staff. Vaccine status does not need to be updated with the University at this time.
The plan for this year, from the University’s COVID Steering Committee, comes after much thoughtful discussion, the continued monitoring of public health conditions locally and beyond, and consultation with our state, education, and health care partners. The State Department of Public Health has opted not to add the COVID vaccine to its list of required vaccinations for schooling, including K–12, and Connecticut state colleges and universities are not requiring vaccination.
Just as UHart provides clinics for flu vaccines, we will also offer COVID vaccine clinics for first, second, and booster doses throughout the year. Getting vaccinated protects you and offers you the best opportunity to avoid severe illness and symptoms. As always, COVID tests, as well as treatment for any illness, will be available through Health Services. Students with positive cases will receive individualized instructions about their isolation length with help from the campus medical team, and we will again require isolation at home whenever possible. Some campus spaces, including classrooms and performance venues, may continue to require masks.
The University reserves the right to modify these plans at any time, depending on CDC and DPH guidance, as well as the own unique needs of our campus. Throughout the pandemic we have been informed, safe, and flexible – this will continue in the new academic year. Additional information about the fall semester will continue to be shared as we get closer to the start of the academic year.
Village Apartments and Campus Updates
As you know, the Village Apartments are being renovated this summer. The project began the day after Commencement, and the crews are working around the clock to prepare the apartments for your August arrival. The 207 apartments are home for more than 850 of our students, and will feature recessed lighting, upgraded bathrooms, and high-quality vinyl tile flooring throughout. Kitchens will have stainless steel appliances, quartz countertops, and new cabinetry. In addition, new living room and bedroom furniture will be installed. This renovation will also increase the number of ADA-accessible and Kosher-compliant apartments within campus housing.
We are also completing projects around campus, including the addition of a new fire pit in Village Quad 1 and upgrades to North and South Café for events in GSU.
Together, we will continue to Keep Hawks Healthy this year as we move forward in our new normal. We have a lot of great events and activities planned for the start of the semester, including the return of many pre-pandemic favorites, like our welcome BBQ and Block Party, as well as the third annual “Bishops Corner takeover.” RHA Bingo and H.E.A.T. programs are back in full force, and live music is going to become a significant feature of campus life with regular HawksNest Live shows! Please check your UHart email regularly for updates, deadlines, and sign-ups.
We look forwarding to welcoming you back to campus next month for a new and exciting academic year.
Thank you,
Aaron Isaacs
Dean of Students
Vice President for Student Success
Messages in Chronological Order
March Updates
Dear Campus Community,
Thank you for your continued efforts to keep our community safe. We have been carefully monitoring the number of COVID-19 cases in our community following spring break and we are pleased with our continued low rates of infection. Combined with our high community vaccination rate and the changes in our local area, we are able to make long-awaited updates to our COVID-19-related policies and procedures.
Effective immediately, masks are now optional in most University facilities and settings. They will continue to be required in the classroom or personal office spaces, unless otherwise specified by faculty members or staff. They will also be required in Health Services, at COVID-19 testing locations, and in all performance spaces—including theaters. Testing for exempt members of our community will continue through the end of April.
It is important to note that you should continue to carry your masks at all times. In addition to the classroom, an individual may choose to wear a mask at any time, indoors or outdoors. Please be respectful of one another and the individual choices others make for their own health or the safety of others.
Facilities across campus are once again operating at full capacity. We will continue to require proof of vaccination for external guests at on-campus events and reserve the right to require masks at any large, University-sponsored events as we move toward the end of the semester. As of now, vaccination and masks are strongly encouraged but will not be required at Commencement in May.
A reminder that COVID-19 tests are available through Health Services as needed. We will continue to closely monitor the transmission of COVID-19 in our community and will share additional updates as necessary.
Thank you again,
COVID-19 Planning Group
Dear Campus Community,
As we approach spring break, the COVID-19 Planning Group would like to again say how proud we are of our UHart community. We continue to have one of the lowest positivity rates in the region. Our faculty, staff, and students have all prioritized and contributed to a healthy community. Thank you.
As the weather warms and you travel over the break, please be thoughtful about following health and safety guidelines. This includes avoiding large gatherings without masks or social distancing. A few additional updates on frequently asked questions and topics:
We recognize mask mandates in the state have loosened over the last few weeks. However, we are also seeing increased COVID cases at some of our peer institutions. Masks have been a key factor in our community health and we must remain vigilant. We have learned how quickly things can change as the pandemic has evolved. For now, our indoor mask mandate on campus will remain in place. We will revisit this policy again after things have settled following everyone’s return to campus after spring break.
Please continue to wear your mask anytime you are in the classroom, library, Sports Center, dining facilities (when not eating), and any other indoor location. Masks are not required outside, other than if you are required to under the quarantine and isolation policies.
Campus Access and Visitors
Vaccinated visitors are allowed at University events such as performances, exhibitions, lectures, and athletic events. Faculty and staff can have guest speakers attend classes and events. Proof of vaccination must be shown prior to entering or participating, and masks are required indoors. Please remember external guests are not allowed in residential facilities.
The Office of Student Engagement and Inclusion will continue to work with clubs and student leaders to plan upcoming spring events. Faculty and staff should work with their dean’s offices and supervisors on any questions.
Health Screenings
We have begun to scale back our contact tracing team. Therefore, the general community and external guests are no longer required to fill out Live Safe. Live Safe only needs to be used if you have tested positive or are experiencing symptoms so our contact tracing team can reach out.
Thank you for your continued patience and flexibility as we move through the next phase of the pandemic together. We appreciate your commitment to keeping our community safe and look forward to the rest of a great spring semester when we return to campus. Have a restful break.
COVID-19 Planning Group
February Updates
Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,
Now that the spring semester is underway, we have several updates to share about our COVID-19 mitigation measures. This message includes important information about public access to campus, reminders about our booster and mask requirements, and updates to our quarantine and isolation instructions.
As was the case this past fall, a limited number of external guests are now allowed for University-sponsored events, including performances, recitals, exhibitions, expos, and athletic events. Faculty and staff can have guest speakers attend classes and events. Proof of vaccination, mask wearing, and completion of the LiveSafe health screening are all required for external guests.
It remains prohibited to have external guests in campus residential facilities.
As a reminder, in order to be on campus, all members of the University of Hartford community—students, staff, and faculty— are required to show proof of a booster within seven days of becoming eligible. You are considered eligible if:
- It has been five months since receiving your second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccination series, OR
- It has been two months since receiving a J&J vaccination.
Please keep track of when you will become eligible. Once you have received your booster, you must upload your vaccine documentation to the UHart Health Portal. Please visit our website for instructions. Community members not in compliance will receive a final warning notification this week. Students found to be out of compliance will be removed from Blackboard and ultimately risk removal from classes and campus.
All students, employees, and visitors are required to wear three-ply disposable, KN95, or N95 masks on campus. If you wear a cloth mask, it must be worn over one of the other approved mask styles. Masks must completely cover your nose and mouth and fit snugly against the sides of your face without gaps.
If you develop symptoms of COVID-19, the first thing to do is to get tested. Please contact Health Services or your health-care provider, or complete the LiveSafe health screening. If you complete the screening, isolate until you hear from our medical contact tracing team. This semester, the contact tracing is being done by University employees, so this call will come from a local phone number.
In coordination with our health-care and agency partners, we follow CDC guidelines when determining who will quarantine or isolate, and when.
In short, anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 must plan to isolate for 10 days. Depending on symptoms and test results on Day 5, you may be released before this time. If you are exposed to a positive case, whether you need to quarantine and for how long depends on whether you are fully vaccinated, are not yet eligible for a booster, or have received an approved exemption.
Please visit our website for complete details of our quarantine and isolation policy.
We are again using our online COVID-19 Dashboard to update the community about cases on campus. You can access this dashboard on our website.
Thank you for all your cooperation.
COVID-19 Planning Group
January Updates
Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff:
Thank you for your engagement and patience as we continue to navigate the pandemic. We remain confident that our mitigation measures will allow us to deliver an in-person spring semester that is as comprehensive and safe as possible. We recognize breakthrough cases will occur as the pandemic continues to evolve, and that likely increases in positive cases will require us to think differently about our management and response. Most importantly, vaccines and boosters are proven to reduce severe disease and hospitalizations, allowing us to maintain a more traditional campus experience.
This message contains critical information about updates to our mitigation measures including:
- changes to our mask requirement
- updated booster guidance and booster clinics
- new isolation and quarantine protocols
Please make sure to read these details carefully to prepare for the semester.
There is growing evidence that cloth masks are not as effective at protecting against the Omicron variant as they were against past variants.
Based on this, in addition to recommendations from our health-care partners and local health departments, all students, employees, and visitors are now required to wear three-ply disposable, KN95, or N95 masks on campus. If you wear a cloth mask, it must be worn over one of the other approved mask styles. Masks must completely cover your nose and mouth and fit snugly against the sides of your face without gaps.
You must wear your mask anytime you are in the classroom, library, Sports Center, dining facilities (when not eating), and any other indoor location. Masks are not required outside, other than if social distancing is not possible or you are required to under the quarantine and isolation policy detailed below. You should not remove your mask to eat and drink in areas other than those designated for dining, or in your own workspace.
You are encouraged to maintain your own supply if you are able, and masks will also be available at many locations across campus. Please visit our website for these locations.
All members of the University community are required to upload evidence of their booster to the UHart Health Portal by January 19 or within seven days of eligibility.
The CDC recently changed its guidance for the timing of the Pfizer and Moderna boosters.
Eligibility is now defined as:
- five months after receiving your second Pfizer or Moderna dose
- two months after your J&J vaccination
If you are not yet eligible for a booster, you may still come to campus, but get your booster as soon as you become eligible and submit your documentation to the UHart portal within seven days. Please visit our website for instructions.
If you are eligible and have been unable schedule an appointment by Jan. 19, you must sign up for one of our on-campus clinics and get your booster within the first week of school to be in compliance with our requirement.
Booster Clinics
Booster clinics will be held Jan. 19–21 and Jan. 24–26, 10 a.m.–3:30 p.m., in Konover. To register for an appointment and to learn more, please visit our website.
The CDC recently issued updated guidance regarding quarantine and isolation periods. As a result, we have revised our policy.
If you test positive:
- Plan to isolate for 10 days.
- On Day 5 (day 0 is the day you tested positive), if you have no symptoms or symptoms are resolving, and you have been fever-free for 24 hours, take a rapid test.
- If you are negative, you may leave isolation, but must always wear a mask when around others (even outside) for the next five days.
- If you test positive, have a fever, and/or other symptoms on or after Day 5, continue to isolate for a full 10 days. Please note that many people still test positive on Day 5, so it is important to plan for 10 days.
- If you are fully vaccinated and boosted, or are not yet eligible for your booster, you do not need to quarantine. Wear a mask whenever you are around other people (even outside). Test on Day 5, or any time you develop symptoms.
- If you are unvaccinated or have not yet received your booster (and you are eligible), you must quarantine. Test on Day 5. If you are negative, you can leave quarantine and mask for five additional days both inside and outside.
If you are a residential student who must quarantine or isolate, we ask that you must return home for that period. If that is impossible due to distance, vulnerable family members at your residence, or other reasons, we will work with you to isolate or quarantine on campus, but there is limited space available.
Arrival Testing
All residential students will be tested upon arrival to campus. This will be a rapid antigen test, which only detects active infections. If you tested positive over break, are symptom-free, and have completed your isolation period, you will not test positive using this test. (A PCR test can turn positive up to 90 days following an infection.) We strongly encourage students to take a rapid test the same day prior to traveling to campus to avoid having to travel back home. Students must be symptom-free following the isolation period to return to campus.
Campus Events
For at least the first two weeks of the semester, only University community members (students, faculty, and staff) will be allowed to attend in-person, on-campus events. External visitors will not be allowed in the residence halls. We will re-evaluate this policy by Feb. 1.
Please continue to monitor your email in the coming days for important updates as we work to finalize additional protocols, including what to do if you develop symptoms and adjustments to our contact tracing program. We will also continue to provide updates on the Healthy Hawks website. If you have any questions, please email
COVID-19 Planning Group
Dear University Community,
We hope you are having a restful and healthy semester break.
We write to you today with important updates regarding the Spring 2022 semester. We are closely monitoring the rising cases in our region and the impact of the Omicron variant across the Northeast. As of now, we are optimistic that by taking every precaution together, we can open on time and in person.
The University has successfully managed the safety of our campus and has maintained in-person learning for several semesters throughout the pandemic. As the COVID-19 crisis has continued to evolve, we have been safe, flexible, and resourceful. We have made decisions quickly and in the best interest of our students, faculty, staff, and larger community. We know breakthrough cases will continue to occur; that is our new normal and requires us to think differently about case counts and management. However, with vaccines and boosters proven to reduce severe disease and hospitalizations, we feel confident in our ability to deliver the robust, in-person educational experience that our students and community greatly value, and do so in a manner that is as safe as possible for all.
Booster Requirement
All members of the University of Hartford community—students, staff, and faculty— will be required to show proof of a booster by the first day of classes on January 19 or within seven days of eligibility.
Eligibility is defined as six months after receiving your Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccination series or two months after a J&J vaccination. Vaccination was key to our ability to have a successful and enjoyable fall semester this year. Booster shots have proven to be safe and effective, and will be an important tool in maintaining a successful experience this spring. Boosters are readily available at locations across the country. Once you have received your booster, you must upload your vaccine documentation to the UHart Health Portal. Please visit our website for instructions.
Community members who have been previously approved for an exemption do not need to reapply for the spring semester. If you have a new medical condition that prohibits you from obtaining a booster, please submit an exemption request with supporting medical documentation to by January 10. No other exemption requests will be considered. If you are a new community member this semester, limited exemptions may be granted for medical and religious reasons per our current policy. For more information on this process, please visit our website.
Residential Move-In and Testing
Similar to last year, all residential students will be tested upon arrival to campus. We are finalizing an expanded move-in schedule that includes on-site testing with additional information to be shared as soon as possible in the coming days. Students testing positive will not be able to move in or remain on campus. Therefore, we strongly encourage students, if you are able, to take a rapid test the same day prior to traveling to campus to avoid having to travel back home. Students must be symptom free following the isolation period to return to campus.
Additional testing protocols will be shared as they are finalized.
Mask Policy
Masks continue to be required for the foreseeable future. You must wear your mask over your nose and mouth anytime you are in the classroom, library, Sports Center, dining facilities (when not eating), and any other indoor location. Masks are not required outside but should still be worn when social distancing is not possible.
Some of the mask guidance has indicated that surgical-style masks are more effective than cloth masks. The CDC requests N95 surgical masks be reserved for medical professionals. The University will order and provide surgical-style masks in multiple locations across campus, but bringing or maintaining your own supply is also advised. We will share any updated mask guidance as it is available.
Additional Precautions
Additionally, for the first two weeks of the semester, only University community members (students, faculty, and staff) will be allowed to attend in-person, on-campus events. External visitors will not be allowed in the residence halls. Food will not be served at University events to allow students the opportunity to gather safely while still encouraging consistent mask wearing. Our mostly outdoor admission tours will continue with safety protocols in place. We will re-evaluate event attendance policies by February 1.
Of course, the University will remain poised to pivot if we need to. As we have throughout the pandemic, the University’s COVID-19 planning group—composed of representatives from across campus—is monitoring developments and data daily. We will continue to consult with public health experts and share additional details on move-in and residential life, as well as policy updates for testing, isolation, and quarantine, in the near future. If you have any questions, please email
Thank you for your continued patience and flexibility as we move through the next phase of the pandemic together.
COVID-19 Planning Group
Dear Faculty and Staff,
We hope you have had an enjoyable and restful winter break. The University continues to manage its planning and responsiveness to the pandemic; additional communications will be forthcoming this week. Recognizing many will be returning to work Monday, we are sharing some initial guidance, specifically related to the repopulation of campus, reminders on health and safety, and remote work.
Campus Reopening
Beginning tomorrow, January 3, campus will be open and operational as planned. However, during this transitional return to campus, supervisors are asked to assess business needs for staffing their units in person over the next week. Where possible, remote work is encouraged this week (January 3–9) as we monitor regional positivity rates. Meetings and interviews should be held virtually whenever possible, and any in-person meetings or interviews must follow existing COVID-related precautions. We remain thankful and deeply appreciative for our colleagues who will need to be in person, in direct support of our students or managing critical functions of our operations.
We strongly encourage all members of our community to get the COVID-19 booster upon becoming eligible. Boosters offer increased protection as we resume classes, events, and activities this semester. Please be sure to keep your documentation; additional booster guidance will be forthcoming. We will share instructions for how to upload documentation to the UHart Health Portal this week.
Quarantine and/or Isolation
If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and must isolate or are notified to quarantine after potential exposure to an affected individual, you should continue to follow the instructions of your medical providers. Additionally:
- Essential employees who cannot perform job duties from home should provide HRD with medical documentation. These employees will be asked to stay home and report time as "University close."
- Essential employees required to self-quarantine because of an exposure at work will be asked to stay at home and report time as "University close."
- Essential employees required to self-quarantine because of an exposure outside of work will be asked to first use vacation and personal time, as with any other illness. If the bank has exhausted, this will be unpaid time.
- Non-essential employees (who can continue business operations by working from home) who are required to self-quarantine should continue to work and report time as normal. If not feeling well, the employee should use their bank of personal and/or vacation time, as with any other illness. If the bank(s) are exhausted, this time will be unpaid.
- Non-essential employees diagnosed with, or with a presumed diagnosis of, COVID-19 should provide HRD with medical documentation. If the employee feels well enough to continue working, they should do so. Employees who do not feel well enough to continue work will be directed to first use personal or vacation time, as with any other illness. If the bank has been exhausted, this will be unpaid time. If the absence extends to a sixth consecutive day, the University’s short-term disability coverage may apply in accordance with the Employment Manual.
Winterterm Classes
The vast majority of Winterterm classes are already scheduled for remote or online teaching. Those classes will continue as scheduled. As always, faculty members should be prepared to make arrangements for students in their classes who need to quarantine or isolate. All faculty members teaching in Winterterm who are required to isolate or quarantine due to exposure may teach from home if they feel well enough to do so. Please communicate with your department chair and dean if you need additional assistance or coverage.
On-Campus Health Center—Hartford HealthCare (HHC)
Last year, the University contracted with HHC for faculty and staff to use the on-campus health center as an urgent care center. Just like a traditional urgent care center, this is for routine care. These services are not meant as a replacement for a primary care doctor or specialists but offer support services such as treatment for sore throats and sinus infections. Providers will prescribe as necessary, but are not able to provide routine refills of maintenance medications. They can perform COVID-19 testing. Please remember the health center also serves our students and is operating on winter hours currently. You must have an appointment to be seen and there are capacity limitations. Appointments can be made at 860.768.6601.
Reminders, Masks, and Supplies
Maintaining safe and healthy conditions is a responsibility shared by every employee on campus. All staff are expected to fully comply with the policies, protocols, and guidelines previously outlined, including wearing a face covering, practicing social distancing, and maintaining personal hygiene. To mitigate the spread of COVID-19, it is crucial that if you are sick, you stay home from work. Masks are required everywhere other than in your own personal workspace. Masks should be worn fully covering your mouth and nose.
As always, if your department is in need of hand sanitizer and/or other cleaning supplies, please make your request using the online reporting feature on the Facilities website. You will then be contacted to make arrangements for either delivery or pick-up.
Thank you for your flexibility and patience as we continue to navigate the next phase of this pandemic.
Thank you,
Human Resources Development
December Updates
Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,
As we near the end of 2021, the COVID-19 Planning Group would like to thank you all for your hard work and cooperation as we navigated the challenges of the pandemic this semester. We are grateful for your commitment to protecting yourselves and our community, and for taking the precautions that kept the number of cases low on campus.
We are excited and optimistic about the semester ahead, but we are, of course, keeping a close eye on the recent increase in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, as well as the concerning rise of the Omicron variant. We are working closely with our health-care partners and peer institutions and, as always, we will follow the guidance of the CDC and local health departments as we evaluate how to best keep our campus community safe and in person this spring. A final determination on a booster requirement will be made in partnership with these agencies after evaluation of public health conditions early in the new year.
COVID-19 Boosters
We strongly encourage all members of our community to get the COVID-19 booster before coming back from break, or as soon as you are eligible. These boosters will offer increased protection as we resume classes, events, and activities in January, and will give us the best chance of stopping the virus from spreading.
Please be sure to keep your documentation. We will share instructions for how to upload it to the UHart Health Portal in the new year.
Looking Ahead
Please monitor your email account for any crucial messages that may come from us over the break. We will also post updates to the Healthy Hawks website. If you have any questions, please email
We wish you and your family a healthy and happy holiday season.
COVID-19 Planning Group
November Updates
Dear Students,
Our partners from Hartford HealthCare will be administering COVID-19 booster shots and the flu vaccine on campus on Nov. 15 and 16. Both vaccines are available free of charge.
The booster is not required at this time, but the CDC recommends it for anyone who lives or works in “congregate” settings, including college campuses.
You are eligible for a COVID-19 booster if you:
- received your second dose of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine at least six months ago (no later than May 31, 2021)
OR - received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine at least two months ago (no later than Sept. 15, 2021)
Clinic Details
1–4 p.m., Nov. 15 and 16, Konover Campus Center
Moderna and Pfizer vaccines will be available. You can choose which vaccine to receive; it does not have to be the same brand as your original series.
How to Register
Registration is required for the COVID-19 booster. Space is limited, so please register as soon as you are able.
Pfizer: register here.
Moderna: register here.
Registration is not required for the flu shot.
More Information
Please bring you insurance card, your vaccine card, and identification when you check in at the clinic. You will have your temperature taken at the door. Please plan to wait 15 minutes for observation following your COVID-19 booster vaccine.
If you have any questions, please email
Thank you.
COVID-19 Planning Group
October Updates
Dear Students,
Despite this week’s warm temperatures, we will soon enter the colder months—and flu season. We want to provide you with some essential information about the flu, COVID-19, and other illnesses, including steps to take if you feel ill and what to do if you are too sick to go to class. We also have reminders about our mask policy and this semester’s academic schedule.
If You Do Not Feel Well
Health Services, run by our clinical team from Hartford HealthCare, is here to help! The office, located on the ground floor of the Sports Center with its own entrance on the left side of the building, is open Monday–Friday, 10 a.m.–4:30 p.m., and can be reached at 860.768.6601.
If you have symptoms of COVID-19 or symptoms of the flu (fever, chills, body aches, runny/nose, sore throat, cough and fatigue), please fill out the LiveSafe Health Screening as soon as possible. Health Services will take the next steps to provide you with instructions for medical care. If you go to Health Services with flu or COVID-19 symptoms, our clinicians will test you for both illnesses.
If you have symptoms of another illness, please contact Health Services.
If You Have to Miss Class
- If you test positive for COVID-19, our COVID-19 Response Team will notify your professors.
- If you are diagnosed with any other medical condition that requires you to miss class, a medical provider will give you a note saying you were seen and evaluated at Health Services and that due to medical reasons, you will need to miss or have already missed classes.
If Health Services determines you must miss class for health reasons, it is up to you and your professor to make a plan for asynchronous or synchronous learning, based on the class.
If you come to Health Services after your illness, and are no longer symptomatic, Health Services will not excuse you from class. Please do not go to Health Services to get “a note” for missed classes or assignments. We rely on our clinical providers to determine whether you need to stay out of classes.
Getting a Flu Shot
We encourage everyone in our UHart community to get a flu shot. Please contact Health Services at 860.768.6601 if you are interested in getting the flu vaccine on campus.
If we want to continue to enjoy social activities and the freedoms that come with low COVID-19 cases, masks remain essential for now.
You must wear your mask over your nose and mouth anytime you are in the classroom, library, Sports Center, dining facilities (when not eating), and any other indoor location. Masks are not required outside, in your own personal living space, or while eating in a dining facility.
Academic Schedule
This year, health conditions are allowing us to continue with in-person classes between Thanksgiving recess and Winter Break. As indicated in the Academic Calendar, Thanksgiving Recess begins on Nov. 20, with classes resuming on Nov. 29. Finals end on Dec. 14 and residence halls close for the semester on Dec. 15.
We are here to support you!
COVID-19 Questions: Please email
General Health Questions: Please call Health Services at 860.768.6601.
Academic Concerns: Please call the Dean of Students Office at 860.768.4260.
Jessica Nicklin, Associate Vice President for Student Success
Suzanne McNeil, Assistant Vice President for Student Success
September Updates
Dear Students,
Now that classes and campus life are in full swing, we have a few important updates and reminders to share about the University’s response to COVID-19.
Key Reminders
If You Are Diagnosed with or Exposed to COVID-19
You must report this information to the University by completing the LiveSafe Health Screening, even if you are vaccinated. This will enable our contact tracing team to begin its important work, and will give our medical team the opportunity to reach out to you to see how you are feeling and to advise you on next steps. Participating in contact tracing is mandatory for all UHart community members.
Learn more about our contact tracing process.
If You Develop Symptoms
Complete the LiveSafe Health Screening or call Health Services at 860.768.6601 to connect with our medical team. If it is after hours, please call Hartford HealthCare–GoHealth Urgent Care at 860.200.7701.
Tracking COVID Cases
UHart’s COVID-19 dashboard is a source of information for members of our community to stay updated on the most accurate data related to our campus. Information will be updated each Tuesday.
At this time, we have no evidence that COVID-19 is spreading in classrooms. Our current data suggests cases are typically coming from off-campus exposures. A college in our area recently pivoted to remote learning and canceled all campus activities due to a high number of cases. We don’t say this to scare you. We use it as a reminder that we must all continue to keep our guards up by wearing masks and avoiding large parties, crowded restaurants and bars, and other risky behavior. Please continue to follow all health and safety protocols in order to preserve the in-class experience, in-person dining and activities, and freedom in the residence halls.
Thank you for all you have done so far to protect yourself and others. If you have any questions, please email
Thank you.
Aaron Isaacs
Dean of Students
Jessica Nicklin
Associate VP for Student Success
August Updates
Dear Students,
I hope this message finds you well and healthy as we get ready to kick off the fall 2021 semester!
My colleagues and I are beyond excited to welcome you back to campus and are eager to see our community come alive again with your energy this fall. This year, we are looking forward to resuming a more normal in-person experience. That means familiar traditions like Hawktober Weekend will return, and newly created ones like Food Truck Fridays will continue. Student clubs and organizations will resume their indoor and outdoor activities, approved guests will be allowed in the residential halls, and students will be able to engage in activities on and off campus. All signs point toward an incredible year. Staff and faculty have worked diligently over the summer to prepare a safe campus for you to learn, grow, and thrive.
As we forge ahead into this new semester, we must not forget the lessons we learned from this past year that brought us together and kept us safe as a community. We must continue to be vigilant about our own and each other’s health and well-being, remain patient as we deal with the lingering difficulties of the pandemic, and allow each other the space and grace to process and address the ongoing challenges of social inequality. Our ability to have another successful year hinges upon a renewal of our shared sense of responsibility.
Part of this shared responsibility will be following our updated rules, policies, and expectations. We also ask you to read all COVID-related policies and guidelines. These policies are necessary for the health and safety of our students, faculty, staff, families, and the larger community. Let me take this opportunity to highlight some of the key policy updates and changes.
As you know, the University is requiring all students, staff, and faculty to be vaccinated or receive an approved exemption. Regardless of vaccination status, everyone is required to wear masks indoors. Students with approved exemptions are required to participate in regular testing; failure to comply with this requirement may result in students being sent home.
Students will be allowed to have guests in their rooms. However, guests must be current UHart students. The number of students in a room must not exceed the posted room occupancy requirements outlined in our COVID-related policies. Residents are responsible for the actions of any guests in their housing unit and building. We will revisit this policy after the first four weeks of the semester.
With a majority of our campus being vaccinated, we will be scaling back our isolation, quarantine, and contact tracing procedures. Students who test positive or need to quarantine will be asked to go home to complete their quarantine. If students are unable to go home, there is limited space on campus. Those accommodations will not mirror the amenities (on-call concierge services, a la carte meal delivery, linen and laundry services etc.) provided last semester, but will cover basic living needs. Students will be required to pack enough clothes, toiletries, linens, and other essential items for the duration of their quarantine/isolation. During isolation/quarantine, it is the responsibility of students to work with their faculty members to complete their assignments either synchronously or asynchronously.
I will be as transparent as possible; students found responsible for violating the University’s COVID-19-related policies may be removed from campus and may not receive a refund for room and board. The health and safety of our campus will continue to be the priority.
Everyone will have to be intentional and thoughtful about the choices we make each and every day. It is my sincere hope that you and all members of the University community will make decisions and take actions only with each other’s health and safety at the forefront.
I know you all will rise to the challenge of keeping each other and our UHart community safe. Let’s continue to truly keep all hawks healthy.
Be well, stay healthy, and Go HAWKS!
Aaron Isaacs
Dean of Students
Dear Students,
As part of our ongoing efforts to protect the campus community, we are following new CDC guidance and, at this time, are requiring masks to be worn indoors, regardless of vaccination status. The CDC’s recommendations cover areas of high COVID transmission, and our region fits that criteria. Masks are not required outside, in your own personal living space, or while eating in a dining facility. See full policy on face coverings.
We know this news is disappointing to some and it is our hope this is a temporary requirement. Over the past few weeks, it has become clear that the Delta variant is much more contagious than other variants. While rare, infections can occur in vaccinated individuals, who can then spread the virus to others. Masks offer an additional layer of protection. We will continue to monitor CDC guidance and local transmission levels with local health agencies and our health-care partners.
Vaccination is still the most effective way of protecting ourselves from serious cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. Vaccinated individuals represent a very small percentage of transmissions occurring around the country, and the vast majority of those cases are mild. For these reasons, we have announced to our employees that they, like our students, are required to be vaccinated by Aug. 15.
As a reminder, all students who have not already received an approved exemption must submit proof of vaccination via the Student Health Portal by Aug. 15. Please visit our Vaccination Information web page for complete instructions. If you have only taken the first dose of a two-dose sequence, and will have not completed the second dose by Aug. 15, please fill out this survey if you have not already done so. This will allow us to work with you on completing the vaccine sequence. Students, please also remember to bring your physical vaccine cards with you to campus this fall.
Do you still have questions about the vaccine? Please join us this evening (Monday, Aug. 9) at 7 p.m. for a “Conversation about COVID, Vaccines, and a Return to a Safer Campus Community. See UNotes for more information. If you have any other questions, please contact
Thank you for all of your cooperation in keeping our campus safe.
COVID-19 Planning Group
July Updates
Dear Students,
We are excited to welcome you to campus in less than one month! Our vaccine requirement, combined with our current health conditions in Connecticut, are allowing us to move forward with our plans for a more typical on-campus experience this fall. Below are some of the protocols that will be in place beginning Aug. 15. As always, we will continue to work with our healthcare partners and local health agencies, and follow evolving guidance from the CDC.
We are reviewing the CDC’s recommendation for indoor masking in areas with high rates of transmission to determine the potential impact on our campus community. We will share our updated mask policy as soon as possible.
Currently, there is no pre-arrival or weekly testing requirement for students who are vaccinated, but that could change based on health conditions closer to the start of the semester. We recommend that you take a photo of your vaccine card or have it with you when coming to campus to verify during move-in.
All students who have a medical or religious exemption from the COVID-19 vaccine requirement must provide a pre-arrival PCR test (taken with 72 hours of arrival on campus) and must be tested each week for COVID-19 as a precaution in lieu of the vaccine. More details of this process will be shared with these students soon.
Course Formats
We are returning to in-person classes as our primary mode of instruction. As with other semesters, there are certain classes being offered as online and remote classes depending on the program of study. Course formats are specified in the course catalog.
Health Monitoring
We will again be using the Daily Health Screening in LiveSafe to monitor the health of our community and to assist with contact tracing. Daily check-ins are required for visitors, guests, and unvaccinated members of our community. If you are vaccinated and feel ill or test positive for COVID-19, you should also complete the check-in process and a member of our health team will reach out to you.
Visitors and Guests
Residential Spaces
This semester, residential students will be allowed to have guests in their spaces. These guests must be University of Hartford students and the number of people in a space cannot exceed the capacity limit of that space. Specific information on those numbers will be shared closer to move-in. At this time, residential students may not have external guests in residential spaces. This will be revisited later in the semester depending on current health conditions.
Campus Visitors
Family members of residential students may visit campus but we ask you remain outdoors as much as possible as we begin the semester. If guests must enter campus buildings (restrooms, bookstore, etc.), we request they wear a mask. Food delivery, rideshare, and taxi drivers; vendors hired by the University; and prospective students and their families will also be allowed on campus. Visitors must wear a mask indoors and complete the LiveSafe app.
With very few exceptions, on-campus events will be limited to members of the University community for at least the first four weeks of the semester. At the end of that time period, we will review current health conditions on campus and in the surrounding community to determine whether we can open events to others.
Vaccine Requirement
As a reminder, all students who have not already received medical or religious exemptions must be fully vaccinated by Aug. 15 to come to campus for the fall semester. Log on to the Student Health Portal to submit your documentation. If you are not yet fully vaccinated, please complete this brief survey. We will follow up with you to discuss any specific needs or concerns directly.
We are confident that by working together, we can keep our campus community safe while enjoying a more “normal” semester. We will continue to monitor public health conditions and will share more information over the coming weeks via email and our Healthy Hawks website. If you have any questions, please email
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you soon.
COVID-19 Planning Group
June Updates
Dear Students,
We write today with an update on our COVID-19 safety planning for the fall. As always, our main goal is to protect the health of our community by following the recommendations of the CDC, local health departments, and our health-care partners. For this reason, the University of Hartford will require all students to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by Aug. 15, 2021.
Having a fully vaccinated student body will a give us the best chance to return to a more typical college experience, with in-person services and activities, and fewer restrictions in the residential neighborhoods and in the classroom. Science continues to show that the vaccine is safe, effective, and the best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19. As vaccines have become more widely available, infection rates have dropped. In Connecticut, the daily positivity rate is less than one percent.
Following our current policies for all required vaccines, limited exemptions may be granted for medical and religious reasons. For more information on this process, please visit our website. The deadline for applying for an exemption is July 15, 2021.
Updating Your Vaccine Information
Once you are fully vaccinated (with either one dose of Johnson and Johnson or two doses of Pfizer or Moderna), please log on to the UHart Health Portal using your UHart email credentials and:
- Click “My Forms”
- Click on “COVID-19 Vaccine”
- Enter the dates of any vaccinations you have received
- Upload an image of your CDC Vaccination Card
Learn More About the Vaccine
We understand you may have questions about the vaccines. You can find more information and answers to frequently asked questions on our website. We are also offering the following workshops to share information and address concerns you may have. Students and families are invited to register online if interested in attending.
A Conversation About Vaccine Hesitancy: This pre-recorded town hall, which you can access on YouTube, addresses myths and misconceptions about the vaccine.
Vaccine Access: Wednesday, June 30, at 8 p.m. via Zoom. This presentation is intended for anyone who is ready and willing to get the vaccine, but needs help getting started. The panel will review steps to get the vaccine, transportation or access issues, financial concerns, etc.
Heath-Related Questions and Concerns: Thursday, July 1, at 8 p.m. via Zoom. This presentation will address some common health and safety concerns regarding the COVID vaccine.
Please email with any additional questions.
As we proved over the past year, when we work together, we can maintain a safe and excellent student-centered educational experience. Thank you for your cooperation and for all you do to protect our community.
COVID-19 Planning Group