Anonymous Tip Line - 800.768.7827
This crime stopper program has been used in several university and police departments throughout the country. The program allows students, faculty, staff, and visitors to report crimes from on and off campus while remaining anonymous. The calls are received via voicemail and are reviewed by Public Safety administration
To report an anonymous tip, call 860.768.7827 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Crime Prevention Programs
The University of Hartford Public Safety Crime Prevention Unit offers the following additional crime prevention programs and information which are available upon request:
Identity theft prevention
ATM theft prevention
Alcohol/Substance abuse prevention and resources
Sexual assault/Date rape prevention and resources
RAD (Rape Aggression Defense program for women)
MARS (Men Against Rape)
WARS (Women Against Rape)
P2P file sharing and copyright laws
For more information on crime prevention programs, contact the Crime Prevention Unit at 860.768.7822